Sexual Harassment Policy Skip to main content

At Brigham Young University (BYU) “[w]e strive to create a community of belonging…where [a]ll relationships reflect devout love of God and a loving, genuine concern for the welfare of our neighbor…[and o]ur interactions create and support an environment of belonging” (BYU Statement on Belonging). At times people may experience discrimination or harassment, or other behavior that is not in alignment with the Church Educational System Honor Code.

The information below explains how to report sexual harassment and how the university responds to these reports.

Sexual Harassment

BYU prohibits sexual harassment by its personnel and students and in all its education programs or activities. All forms of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, are contrary to the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Church Educational System Honor code.


Title IX Office

  • In-person: 1320 WSC (open weekdays 8 a.m.–5 p.m.)
  • Phone: 801-422-8692
  • Email:

Sexual Assault Survivor Advocacy Services

Individuals may also consult with BYU’s sexual assault survivor advocates on a confidential basis about various resources and options available to victims of sexual assault.

  • In-person: 1500 WSC (open weekdays 8 a.m.–5 p.m.)
  • Phone: 801-422-9071
  • Email:

After hours

University Compliance Hotline

The compliance hotline is operated by a third party, EthicsPoint, and reports can be anonymous. Reporters should be aware that the university’s ability to respond to anonymous reports may be limited.

BYU Policies

Click the following hyperlink to read BYU’s policies regarding sexual harassment:

Sexual Harassment Policy. This policy applies to anyone participating in, or attempting to participate in, BYU’s Education Program or Activity (as defined in the policy).

Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment

The university’s response to reports of sexual harassment will be equitable, fair, prompt, and impartial.

Click the following hyperlinks to read BYU’s procedures regarding sexual harassment:

Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedures (Title IX). As required by Title IX, these procedures apply to incidents occurring against a person in the United States who is participating in or attempting to participate in BYU’s Education Program or Activity (as defined in the policy).

Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedures (Non-Title IX Sexual Violence). These procedures apply to incidents that do not fall under Title IX regulations because an incident did not occur in the United States or did not occur within BYU’s Education Program or Activity (as defined in the policy).