Speaker and Event Approval
Approval for Campus Speakers and Events related to Belonging
We strive to create a community of belonging composed of students, faculty, and staff whose 'hearts are knit together in love' (Mosiah 18:21).
What are belonging-related events?
The Office of Belonging approves speakers and events that are identity-related (e.g., race, culture, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) or that have the primary focus of promoting an environment of covenant belonging at BYU (See BYU Statement on Belonging).
Belonging speakers and events should be guided by the BYU Statement of Belonging and use gospel methodology, concepts, and insights, and promote a learning environment and a community of covenant belonging that is anchored in eternal truths and the teachings of Jesus Christ and living prophets. Belonging-related events should seek to promote and create a covenant community composed of students, faculty, and staff whose 'hearts are knit together in love' (Mosiah 18:21
Student Club or Student Academic Association speakers or events should be submitted for approval through https://clubs.byu.edu/p/myclubs
College, department, and academic support unit belonging-related events should be submitted at least three weeks in advance. All proposals can be submitted along with any promotional material for the appropriate review through the following link.