Immigration Internship Application
No More A Stranger Foundation (NOMAS
Selected students will get an add-code to register to receive BYU internship credit through the Student Development course StDev 214R (section 9) (Building Communities of Covenant Belonging Through Service Internships). Depending on how many hours they are willing to commit to the NOMAS internship, students may elect to receive anywhere from 1 to 3 credits.* However, students must take StDev 214R(9) to participate in the internship.
For those who are interested, this internship is intended to open up further employment and volunteer opportunities in immigration law. Those who complete the internship will be eligible, with some additional training, to apply to become Accredited Representatives in immigration law. The Federal government authorizes Accredited Representatives – non-attorney employees or volunteers of qualifying non-profit organizations – to provide legal representation to low-income and indigent persons in immigration proceedings. For additional information about the government’s Accredited Representative program, see this link
Interested students are encouraged to apply now