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Nontraditional Student Resources

And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.
D&C 88:118

Office of Belonging 
The Office of Belonging was created to assist BYU in constructing "a community of belonging composed of students, faculty, and staff whose hearts are knit together in love" (Statement on Belonging) and to teach the world how to use gospel principles to create unified communities.

Child and Family Studies Laboratory 

The CFSL is a teacher-training facility for BYU students majoring in Early Childhood Education or Family and Consumer Science Education. This allows us to offer a preschool taught by a licensed master teacher and 3-4 BYU students per class of 20 children.  

We use our knowledge of child development, the social needs and the cultural context of the children and teachers in our classroom to build off prior knowledge to construct new ideas. This is done by offering an engaging, meaningful, play-based curriculum which fosters curiosity and nurtures a love of learning.

The philosophical foundation for the program is based on the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the criteria outlined in Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs (NAEYC, 2021). 

Academic Support Office 
The Academic Support Office promotes students’ academic success and assists degree-seeking, undergraduate students who are experiencing academic difficulty. Their programs offer help with academic improvement, taking time away from BYU, missionary registration, and suspensions. Advisors and peer academic strategies specialists are trained to empower students and establish effective academic habits.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 
SDS offers professional services designed to promote individual, interpersonal, and spiritual development. Offices within SDS facilitate success in learning and academic accomplishment, career development and overall personal growth. Our offices are committed to supporting individuals in a unique developmental process and we are committed to advancing diversity, equity, and a culture of inclusion. At CAPS, our services are sustained by commitment to research, scholarship, program development and the professional standards of our disciplines.

University Advisement Center 
As the Open Major College Advisement Center, we help students discover, dream, design, and deliver on their academic, career, spiritual, and life goals as they transition from high school, through college, and prepare for life once they leave BYU. Our advisors do this by helping students make timely, informed decisions and plan for careers, majors, classes, and development activities.

Careers & Experiential Learning 
The career services office can provide tailored guidance and resources to help non-traditional students explore their career goals, build professional networks, and access experiential learning opportunities.

They offer individualized career counseling, resume and interview preparation, job search strategies, and they connect students with internships, cooperative education programs, and other hands-on experiences that allow them to gain practical skills and relevant industry exposure.

Office of First-Year Experience 
Our office supplies mentors for all first-year students and transfer students in their first year on campus. Mentors can answer questions about campus life, classes, and how to be successful at BYU. They're able to point students in the right direction for any questions that they don't know the answer to and are also available to just be a friend or listening ear for students.

Financial Fitness Center 
We support persistence and help each student to wisely assume responsibility for their own financial well-being. For many students, it is often some combination of work, savings, scholarships and other resources, and careful planning that makes it possible to afford a university education.

Women’s Services and Resources
WSR is a Brigham Young University office with an information and referral network for students, staff, and faculty. We address women's issues in a positive, proactive way. As a Campus Life office, we collaborate with other BYU offices and departments, as well as the community, to best serve both the women and men at BYU. Our services, events, and educational programs have been created to meet your needs and enhance your college experience. 

BYU Non-Traditional Student Association
Welcome to BYU NTSA. We are an association for new or returning students ages 30+. We aim to help you succeed at BYU. We can help you find resources, access services, connect with others, and discover all that BYU has to offer. We hope that you will find the following information useful. Please contact us with questions or if you need a little direction. We are here to help.  

Community Resources 
Be thoughtful and prayerful when considering community and online resources. Look for options that support the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and lead participants to make and keep sacred covenants with Him. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:20)