Divorced Student Resources Skip to main content

Divorced Student Resources

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. … For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.
Matthew 11:28, 30

Campus Resources

BYU Office of Belonging
The Office of Belonging can help divorced students connect with focus groups, panel presentations, research projects, and student councils.


BYU Speeches
The BYU Speeches website offers many devotionals, forums, etc., about a variety of topics including the following: “marriage”, “dating”, “loneliness”, “life”, “relationships”.


BYU Title IX
The BYU IX Office is available to help students navigate instances of unlawful sex discrimination, sexual misconduct, and sexual harassment regardless of the marriage or relationship status of the individuals involved. Victims or witnesses who report an incident of Sexual Harassment to the Title IX Office will not be disciplined by the university for any related Honor Code violations. To learn more about the Title IX Office, Sexual Assault Survivor Advocates, and related educational resources, visit the Title IX website.


BYU Comprehensive Clinic
The BYU Comprehensive Clinic offers affordable counseling services for individuals, couples, and families in Utah County. The Clinic functions as a research and training facility. Counseling is provided by graduate student interns under the close supervision of experienced faculty who are licensed therapists. In addition to therapy, the clinic offers various psychological assessments.

(801) 422-7759


BYU Counseling and Psychological Services
For divorced students interested in receiving therapeutic support, CAPS provides free and confidential individual counseling, group therapy, marital/couples therapy, and other assistance for students in crisis.


BYU Financial Aid and Scholarships
For divorced students who are interested in or in need of financial support and assistance, the Enrollment Services website can be a great resource. Whether you need help with federal aid, tuition, budgeting, or planning, the Enrollment Services website can help you find advisors, workshops, and other resources during difficult financial times.


BYU University Police

SafeWalk Program
Provides walking police escort services from one campus location to another for an added level of security and safety during the later hours of the evening and early morning.

(801) 422-0911

Survivor Advocate
Provides crisis intervention, emotional support and critical service referral to aid victims and their children as well as to promote community awareness on victimization issues.

(801) 422-5218

Personal Safety Guide

BYU Women’s Services & Resources
BYU Women’s Services & Resources is working to help students of all marital and relationship statuses find connection and support. Divorced students can find help through individual consultations, support groups, educational outreach, and referral services. Their resources page has information sheets and links to helpful documents that cover topics like conflict resolution, healthy relationships, sexual assault & abuse, and emotional health.



WSR Single Parent Scholarships

BYU Student Health Center
The Student Health Center can provide urgent care, health plans, and other medical resources for students and their family members.



BYU Law – Center for Peace & Conflict Resolution
Through mediation, arbitration, training workshops, research, conferences, academic courses, and consultations, the CPCR assists both BYU and the community beyond campus in building skills and promoting understanding of peace, negotiation, communication, and conflict resolution.

(801) 422-5068


BYU Life After Divorce Conference
The BYU Life After Divorce Conference is designed to help you move forward with faith and hope after experiencing divorce. Classes will focus on personal faith, daily life, the gospel, family and relationships, communication, finance, personal development, and mental health in an effort to help you navigate through your own unique journey. Attend sessions and connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges.


Dealing with Divorce Club (archived)


Off-Campus Resources

Be thoughtful and prayerful when considering community and online resources. Look for options that support the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and lead participants to make and keep sacred covenants with Him. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:20)


Church Resources

LDS Family Services
A resource to be used by Church leaders in their efforts to assist individuals, couples, and families in finding quality professional counseling services. Where available, LDS Family Services provides short-term counseling as well as consultation with a member’s bishop, when permitted.


Gospel Topics
Divorce: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/divorce?lang=eng

Marriage: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/marriage?lang=eng

The Family – A Proclamation to the World:

General Handbook
Single Members: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/general-handbook/14-single-members?lang=eng#title_number2

Meeting with Members about Marriage and Divorce (31.3.5): https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/general-handbook/31?lang=eng#title_number31

Records of Children of Divorced Parents (33.6.13): https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/general-handbook/33-records-and-reports?lang=eng#title_number32

After Divorce, Separation, or Annulment (26.5.5): https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/general-handbook/26-temple-recommends?lang=eng#title_number22