Discrimination & Reconciliation Skip to main content

Discrimination and Reconciliation

At Brigham Young University (BYU) “we strive to create a community of belonging…where all relationships reflect devout love of God and a loving, genuine concern for the welfare of our neighbor…and our interactions create and support an environment of belonging” (BYU Statement on Belonging). At times people may experience discrimination or harassment, or other behavior that is not in alignment with the Church Educational System Honor Code or the Nondiscrimination Policy.

Any abuse or prejudice toward another because of nationality, race, sexual orientation, gender, educational degrees, culture, or other significant identifiers is offensive to our Maker! Such mistreatment causes us to live beneath our stature as His covenant sons and daughters!
President Russell M. Nelson (Choices for Eternity)

BYU prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age (40 and over), disability, genetic information, or veteran status (Legally Protected Status). BYU prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment, education, and all university-sponsored programs or activities. This prohibition applies to acts of unlawful discrimination by or against university employees, students, and campus visitors, including applicants for employment or admission.

As an educational institution sponsored by and affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the university gives a lawful preference in employment and admissions decisions to qualified, faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ in good standing. In addition, all students and employees, regardless of their legally protected status, personally commit to observing conduct standards based on the religious tenets of the Church of Jesus Christ.

The Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy applies to all university students, faculty, administrative and staff employees, volunteers and representatives, and campus visitors.

Responding to Reports of Discriminatory Conduct

The university will not tolerate unlawful discrimination and will take immediate and appropriate steps to stop unlawful discrimination, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.

The Discrimination Complaint Procedures apply to all university students, faculty, administrative and staff employees, volunteers and representatives, and campus visitors.

Reporting Discriminatory Conduct

Several avenues are available for students, faculty, and staff to report discriminatory conduct.

Office of Belonging
Discriminatory conduct involving students (including between students or between students and employees)

Equal Opportunity Manager
Discriminatory conduct involving student employees, administrative and staff employees

  • In-person: D-282 ASB (open weekdays 8 a.m.–5 p.m.)
  • Phone: 801-422-5895
  • Email: eo_manager@byu.edu

Assistant to the Academic Vice President– Faculty
Discriminatory conduct involving faculty or athletic professionals

University Compliance Hotline
The compliance hotline is operated by a third party, EthicsPoint, and reports can be anonymous. Reporters should be aware that the university’s ability to respond to anonymous reports may be limited.